Our Story

The idea for dig was born during a conversation about sustainability. If we ever started a buisness, we wanted to make sure it was built on a foundation designed to support environmental causes. We followed our dream to sell high-quality, minimalistic clothing and donate a portion of the proceeds to help fight for environmental stability, trying to do our part to help reach a sustainable future. However, while we were excited to start working on this new project, we came to a crossroads and had to ask ourselvers an important and difficult question. Would this buisness actually have a positive impact on the environment?

What became clear to us right away was that the clothing industry came with its own set of glaring issues. Every year, over 90 billion tonnes of clothing ends up in landfills. Additionally, the fashion industry is responsible for contributing to nearly 10% of the global carbon emissions and 20% of global wastewater. If we started selling clothing without any concideration, would our donations actually help push us towards a better future, or would we become part of the problem?

In order to truly make tangable efforts to create a sustainable brand, we needed to start from the very bottom and work our way up. First and foremost, it started with the clothing itself. We had to sell clothing that had a minimal impact on the enviroment throught its entire lifetime, from the tiny cotton seedlings to the end of the garments wearble lifetime. That's why we decided to sell apparel made from 100% organic cotton, produced with renewable energy, shipped in plastic-free packaging, and designed to be recylced into new clothing. This way, we could work against the negatives of the fashion indutry, reducing our carbon footprint and eliminating uneccesary waste.

On top of it all, we would still pledge our initial donation promise and plant a tree for every item purchased. Looking at the entire process from a holistic perspective helped us realized that sustainability is not achieved through simple declerations - it takes effort throughout the entire process. We were finally able to look at dig and feel that we were doing our best to push for a greener future. While it's a great start, the unforunate truth is that no brand can be 100% sustainable. As we continue to grow, we are committed to improve and build upon and our goal to support enivornmental stability. We appreciate your support! - Dig Organic Apparel