Fast Fashion and How To Avoid It
What exactly is "fast fashion"?
As many companies frantically search for additional ways to reduce production costs, they may turn to low-cost materials, poor quality fabrics, and unfortunately outsourcing the cheapest labor they can get their hands on. For many brands, this can entail paying employees unlivable wages to work in hazardous conditions, with a final product lasting only one season before it falls apart or becomes "out-of-style". This business model has been dubbed "fast fashion" and is quickly becoming scrutinized by folks aware of the horrible realities behind cheap and trendy clothes.
At dig, we are working hard to avoid contributing to fast fashion and the consequences of it through four major choices:
1) We sell high quality 100% organic cotton products that are durable.
2) Our clothing is made in factories that are certified by Social Accountability International (SA8000), which monitors working conditions and employee well-being including:
- Child Labor
- Forced or Compulsory Labor
- Health and Safety
- Freedom of Association & Right to Collective Bargaining
- Discrimination
- Disciplinary Practices
- Working Hours
- Remuneration
- Management System
To learn more, visit the Social Accountability International website
3) We incorporate simple one line designs into our products that are inspired by the natural world and the human experience in it. Our hope is that humans never cease to be captivated & inspired by nature (meaning our clothes never go out of style).
4) We participate in a cotton recycling program through Remill. This allows worn-out cotton products to be recycled into new clothes, carrying on the life of the original cotton, lowering waste, and giving back to customers through discounted recycled products. To learn more about this program, visit the Remill website.
We know that in a world where cheap clothes are plentiful and budgets are tight, it can be hard to avoid fast fashion. Dig was designed to provide high quality, long-lasting, non-trendy clothes at a price that is reasonable for regular people. As two broke students with a dream to start a business that brings more positives than negatives to the world (read more about us here), we understand the balance between price and real-life consequences. Our hope is that dig can achieve sustainability and affordability.